Seneko - True Dimension
(Independent, Oct 13, 2017)
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Buoyed by the success of his first EP, the eponymous Seneko released in September 2016, Stan "Seneko" Olshefski has followed up with this solid collection of bouncy indie pop.
True Dimension, the title track, is reminiscent of the New Wave synth pop of the 1980s, but with a richer texture and better musicianship. His lyrics are observant of life and love, sometimes with a wry sense of humour, as in Pierced Lip Smile. The songs have satisfyingly catchy hooks that you'll find yourself humming along to even on the first listen.
The production by David Dorn and Alex Torrez is solid, with a nicely fat and textured sound that elevates the pop music genre into more than background music. The one quibble might be that the vocals often have an over processed sound - like another synth line, almost.
The EP covers a variety of upbeat pop subgenres, including the Latin-flavoured My Little Curioso, about his love for a smart lady. Mind the Violets ventures into country rock, while Take Me Indigo is a retro ballad with singing slide guitar.
A fun collection of tunes from an accomplished popster.

1. True Dimension
2. Peirce Lip Smile
3. You To Save Me
4. My Little Curioso
5. Mind The Violets
6. Take Me Indigo
David Dorn: Keyboards
Jackson Epley: Bass
Jon Conley: Guitars
Dave Racine: Drums
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