From various sources:
Holiday Music Selections by Brooklyn's HolidayHoliday
HolidayHoliday is a Brooklyn trio with a new release on the way in January 2011 (see more info below).
In the meantime, they've put together a Mix Tape of Christmas listening pleasure, along with some thoughts about each track.
A HolidayHoliday Holiday Mix Tape

About the Band:
A band so good they had to be named twice, HolidayHoliday are a three piece out of Brooklyn whose music is definitely more 'shake your hips' than 'tap your foot' with bright, bristling keys, sultry vocals and Latin connotations.
The band formed following an audacious incident at Pianos in which Matt (keys) impulsively asked Lillian (vocals) if she could write and sing in French. Lillian lied and said yes. Nevertheless, joined by percussionist Graham, the trio began making music and soon recorded a song fittingly titled “France”.
After some time the trio reunited on a song they called "Lu Rae" and shortly thereafter, landed the opportunity to record at Marcata Studios with Kevin McMahon (The Walkmen, Titus Andronicus).
Since then HolidayHoliday have been playing shows all across New York and have shared stages with such notable talents as Darlings, Teddy Blanks, Dinosaur Feathers, The London Souls, Fergus and Geronimo, and Soft Landing (members of Beirut).
The band have just put the finishing touches on a 7” vinyl that will be released independently in January of 2011. Here's a taste of that, the first single called "Hanged".
Hanged by MuseBox
Holiday Music Selections by Brooklyn's HolidayHoliday
HolidayHoliday is a Brooklyn trio with a new release on the way in January 2011 (see more info below).
In the meantime, they've put together a Mix Tape of Christmas listening pleasure, along with some thoughts about each track.
A HolidayHoliday Holiday Mix Tape
- Got Something For You - Wavves and Best Coast - Graham
It's Wavves and Best Coast - can't get cooler than that, right now, eh? Song's pretty sweet and super catchy. - Wham - Last Christmas - Lillian
As a wee tot I had the world's biggest crush on George Michael. My uncle used to make mixtapes for me as a kid and this was on my favorite one. I played it every day until I was 6. - the señors of marseille - Holly Jolly Christmas - Matt and Graham
Matt and I recorded this song for a Holiday Records special holiday compilation, last christmas. It kinda reminds me of the feeling I get when snow is slowly falling and the city is quieter and calmer than usual. It will forever remind me of the holiday season.
- Donny Hathaway - This Christmas - Lillian
Sing this song loudly. Very loudly. You'll feel like the world is made of joy, marshmallows and sick ass horn arrangements. - Rilo Kiley - Glendora - Graham
"it's new years eve, i'm in glendora..." every time the holiday season comes around, this song pops in my head. Such a hilariously tragic and catchy picture of the season. - John Denver and The Muppets - Twelve Days of Christmas - Matt
I was obsessed with the Muppets as a kid and today Miss Piggy's trade-mark "five gold rings" line still echoes in my brain without having to hear it. Why hasn't Disney overhauled the Muppets anyway? Where did they go? - Charles Brown - Please Come Home For Christmas - Lillian
My favorite lush aunt used to teeter to the record player at around 10pm on Christmas Eve and put this on. It is forever linked to eggnog and drunk swaying, the ultimate signs of holiday cheer. - Children's Story - Slick Rick - Graham
Just after I turned 16, I got a really sweet soundsystem for my 1993 Nissan Sentra. For the next 3 years or so, every holiday season, my friend Josh and I would drive through my hometown rapping this song, looking at christmas lights, and plotting ways to drink underage at our Macaroni Grill Christmas party. - Who Love The Sun - The Velvet Underground - Graham
Riding my bike through the streets of Brooklyn as freezing air cuts at my eyeballs, I am often reminded of how much I love the sun. This song, better than any other I can think of, conveys my bitter resentment that usually comes around every winter, when sweet summer takes her warm and lovely love away from me. - Save Room - John Legend - Lillian
No this song has nothing to do with saving room in a manger. It is actually not a Christmas song but it's just...I dunno, it makes me kinda warm and fuzzy inside. - The Man With All The Toys - The Beach Boys - Matt
The Man With All the Toys reminds me of listening to the local AM radio station my dad always listened to in our old Dodge sedan when we would drive to t-ball practice when I was in first and second grade. The station played a ton of Beach Boys during the year, so I guess it should be no surprise they got a lot of use out of this track in December. Either way it has stuck with me. - Dinosaur Feathers - A Day In The Life Of A Christmas Tree - Graham
Dinosaur Feathers are really great. Every thing they touch is catchy and creative. This one, which I think is an original christmas song, doesn't disappoint. Plus, it kinda sounds like a Christmas song for a warm place, which is extra nice when living in a cold place, like New York. - Christmas in Hollis - Run DMC - Matt
Christmas in Hollis was the only rap I could listen to until I was in Jr. High due to parental madness, so it has always had a special place in my heart after hours upon hours of listening to it as the one "cool Christmas song" from 1987.
About the Band:
A band so good they had to be named twice, HolidayHoliday are a three piece out of Brooklyn whose music is definitely more 'shake your hips' than 'tap your foot' with bright, bristling keys, sultry vocals and Latin connotations.
The band formed following an audacious incident at Pianos in which Matt (keys) impulsively asked Lillian (vocals) if she could write and sing in French. Lillian lied and said yes. Nevertheless, joined by percussionist Graham, the trio began making music and soon recorded a song fittingly titled “France”.
Since then HolidayHoliday have been playing shows all across New York and have shared stages with such notable talents as Darlings, Teddy Blanks, Dinosaur Feathers, The London Souls, Fergus and Geronimo, and Soft Landing (members of Beirut).
The band have just put the finishing touches on a 7” vinyl that will be released independently in January of 2011. Here's a taste of that, the first single called "Hanged".
Hanged by MuseBox
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